Course Permits

Permits can be submitted by choosing one of the following methods:

Permit Form:

Blank permit forms are available here:

Course Permit Form (PDF)

Completed permit forms should be dropped off with the History Undergraduate Advisor in College Hall 208 C.


Instructor E-mail:

Ask the instructor to e-mail the History Undergraduate Advisor at sends email).

You may also forward an e-mail approval from the instructor. 

Any permit request—form or instructor e-mail—must include:

  • Your Full Name
  • Student Identification Number
  • E-mail Address
  • Course Number and Section (HIST-xxx-xxx)

Incomplete permit requests cannot be processed.

Your permit will typically be issued within 48 hours. Please note that the permit does not automatically enroll you in the course. You must register for the course once the permit is issued.


  • You cannot have a course on your schedule that conflicts with the course you are attempting to add.
  • You must have room for the course you wish to add, i.e. you may not exceed your allowed maximum load for the term. Either drop a course or speak to your academic advisor about increasing your maximum load.
  • If the course for which you are seeking permission has both a lecture and a recitation, you must indicate both course numbers and sections in the permit request.

Is this the correct procedure for you?

Yes: Undergraduates requesting permission to enroll in graduate courses should follow the above procedure.

Yes: Any non-major (including history minors) should follow this procedure in order to enroll in major-only seminars.

NoCollege of Liberal and Professional Studies courses—evening courses whose section number is in the 600s—are NOT administered by the Department of History. You must request permission directly from the College of Liberal and Professional Studies (3440 Market Street, Suite 100). Permits for LPS courses will NOT be processed by the Department of History.