European History Concentration
Search current and upcoming European History courses on this linked page, using the tool on the right to filter by term and concentration.
In addition to the core requirements for the History Major, European History Majors take six courses in European History. One of those six must be an upper-level seminar numbered HIST 2200-2299 or HIST 3200-3299. Students should consult with their faculty advisor each semester during pre-registration regarding the best courses for them to take the following semester. Two major-related courses from other departments (ex. ARTH, ENGL, PSCI) may be used, and these must be approved in writing by your faculty advisor.
For European History majors, the following courses are recommended (but not required). They also count toward the European History geographic requirement.
- HIST 0200 (formerly 030) Emergence of Modern Europe
- HIST 0205 (formerly 145) Europe: From Fall of Rome to Age of Exploration
- HIST 0250 (formerly 031) Modern Europe