Jewish History Concentration
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A Concentration in Jewish History allows students to explore the depth and breadth of the Jewish experience. Our courses allow you to explore the range of Jewish history-from ancient Israel to the Golden Age of Spain, from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, for the United States to modern Israel. By taking courses in different chronological periods and geographical regions, you will learn how Jewish life evolved in different times and places The concentration also provides the flexibility to allow you to take courses in those areas within Jewish history that interest you most.
Jewish History Concentration Requirements:
SEMINAR (1 course)
Any course numbered HIST 2100-3799 and classified as Jewish History on the "Courses" page can fulfill this requirement
- HIST 1600 (formerly 139) Jews and Judaism in Antiquity
- HIST 1610 (formerly 140) Medieval and Early Modern Jewry
- HIST 1710 (formerly 141) Jews in the Modern World
ELECTIVES (3 courses)
Any course classified as Jewish History on the "Courses" page can serve as an elective. With permission of the major advisor, students may also be permitted to count major-related courses in Jewish Studies offered through other departments. These courses must have sufficient historical content and/or complement the study of Jewish history. Jewish Studies courses are regularly offered in departments such as NELC, English, German, Religious Studies, Sociology, and others.
Students must achieve a second year proficiency in Hebrew or Yiddish. A student without prior knowledge of these languages will require four semesters of coursework. Students with prior knowledge may fulfill this requirement by passing a proficiency exam administered by the Hebrew or Yiddish language faculty.
Language Courses will not be counted toward the 12 courses required for the major.
Note: For Jewish History Majors in the class of '22 and earlier, 3 of the 6 courses required for the concentration must be numbered 200 or above.
Frequently offered Jewish History Courses:
- HIST 1600 (formerly 139) Jews and Judaism in Antiquity
- HIST 1610 (formerly 140) Medieval and Early Modern Jewry
- HIST 1710 (formerly 141) Jews in the Modern World
- HIST 1150 (formerly 150) American Jewish Experience
- HIST 3740 (formerly 202/214) Rereading the Holocaust
- HIST 3705 (formerly 204/230) Jews and the City
Each semester students will also have the opportunity to take additional courses in Jewish history offered by visiting scholars from the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. These courses differ each semester and include many seminars.
Jewish History Faculty Advisors:
- Benjamin Nathans
- Joshua Teplitsky
- Beth Wenger