
Penn and Slavery Project Student Presentations

| Zoom meeting link: https://upenn.zoom.us/j/93885505455

The Penn & Slavery Project has just completed its fourth year of research into the early university's support and involvement in slavery. The undergraduate researchers have conducted archival research to expand on previous research and uncover new connections between the university and the institution of slavery.  Log in on Monday, May 3 at 5:00PM to learn what students have uncovered this semester.


Among the topics in this presentation: follow a graduate of the Medical School from North Carolina to Mississippi, where the people he enslaved were eventually emancipated during the Civil War; learn about the participation of Penn Medical Students in the anti-Black and anti-abolition riots of the 1830s and 1840s; and learn more about the worlds of Caesar, the enslaved man who worked on Penn's first campus during the 1760s, and James Henry Wilson, who became a valued practitioner in Philadelphia's Seventh Ward during the 1850s.


Note: this presentation features a different group of researchers than those at the Annenberg Seminar earlier this semester.


Zoom meeting link: https://upenn.zoom.us/j/93885505455