Annenberg Seminar in History (Hybrid)
Elizabeth Frierson, University of Cincinnati
‘Masculinity Redefinition among Pharmacists as “Men of Science” in Eurasia, Europe, and East Asia’
In-Person: College Hall 209, 12:00 pm
Elizabeth Frierson, is Associate Professor in the History of the Middle East and North Africa at the University of Cincinnati, History Department. She has published several articles on late-Ottoman politics and society, co-edited with Camron Amin and Benjamin C. Fortna The Modern Middle East: A Sourcebook for History (Oxford University Press), and is finishing a manuscript entitled Patriarchal Feminism for Syracuse University Press. She speaks frequently to community groups and the media about the history of the Middle East and North Africa, and current events. Her current research focuses on refugee management in WWI, and the changes in science, personnel, and practices of pharmacology in the 19th and early 20th centuries in Europe and the Middle East.