
History Journals in the 21st Century

- | College Hall 209

“History Journals in the 21st Century,” Tuesday Feb. 6, noon to 1:30, in 209 College Hall.  Lunch will be served.  We have a terrific line-up of editors who will discuss the inner workings of these gatekeepers of academic publishing, including tips on how to navigate an article’s journey from submission through publication.  Featured speakers are:

Robert Schneider, editor of the American Historical Review (2005-15), historian of early modern Europe (Indiana University in Bloomington)

Cheikh Babou, editor of the Journal of African History (2011 to 2016), historian of Islam and West Africa (Penn)

Sophie Rosenfeld, co-editor of Modern Intellectual History (2013 to 2017), historian of early modern Europe and America (Penn)

Peter Holquist,  co-founder and co-editor of Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History (2000-2010), historian of Russia and the Soviet Union (Penn)