Past Events



History Undergrad Honors Thesis Symposium


Penn & Slavery Project Research Presentations


Come hear students share their research:

Legal History Workshop

Fahad Bishara (University of Virginia)

The workshops will continue to be hybrid. Zoom links and classroom location will be available in the calendar invites. Papers will be circulated for each individual workshop closer to the date. Lunch will be…

Annenberg Seminar

Chad Williams (Brandeis)

W. E. B. Du Bois, Classical Sociology and the Wounds of the First World War
with Chad Williams (Brandeis University)

Department of History, Annenberg Seminar

"The Unrelenting Archive" with Dr. Marisa J. Fuentes

Annual Kaplan Lecture

It is our great pleasure to announce that Dr. Marisa J. Fuentes,…

We Will Put Them Out”: The Legal and Imperial Formations of Anti-Asian Violence in Twentieth Century America” with Prof. Hardeep Dhillon

Legal History Workshop

You are invited to the Legal History Workshop on April 18th at 12:00 pm ET. Professor Hardeep Dhillon, from