Past Events

The Chilean Coup at 50: Historians' Roundtable on 1973 and its Reverberations

History Co-sponsored Event with the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies

From the CLALS website: 

Please join us on 9/19/2023 at 12pm in College Hall 209 to…

Penn Historian Series

Christopher Atwood (EALC)

Penn & Slavery AR Walking Tours on Juneteenth

The augmented reality (AR) tour of Penn’s campus investigates the institution's historic ties to slavery.

Presented by The Penn Experience course and the Penn & Slavery Project

The augmented reality (AR) tour of Penn’s campus is the first of its kind among peer…

History Majors Graduation Reception


The Department of History invites all graduating History Majors and their guests to a celebration in honor of the class of 2023!  The ceremony will begin…

Women. Life. Freedom: A Point of No Return for Iran?

Moderated by Prof. Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet and Sarah Eskandari, PhD Candidate in History

Join us for a webinar and panel discussions to raise awareness of the ongoing revolutionary protests and resistance in Iran and to amplify the voice of the Iranian people and the historic fight for gender rights,…

Free State Slavery & Bound Labor

Student Presentations

Come out to see final project presentations from students in HIST 3174, Free State Slavery and Bound Labor.  Event hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. 

Penn Economic History Forum

Michael McMillan [Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt, & Mosle and Penn Law]

“The Confluence: Origins and Development of Equipment Finance”   

Honors Symposium


The Department of History at the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce its annual Honors Thesis Symposium on Friday, April 28, at 12:00, in COLL 209.  The event will feature…

Russian History and Culture Workshop

East Coast Graduate kruzhok
Apr 28, 2023 Apr 29, 2023 at -

The Philomathean Society's 2023 Annual Oration: An Evening with Dr. Cornel West

moderated by Penn University Chaplain and Vice President for Social Equity & Community Rev. Charles (Chaz) Lattimore Howard

The Philomathean Society's 2023 Annual Oration welcomes renowned public intellectual Cornel West for a talk on community and public on civic duty and engagement moderated by Penn University Chaplain and Vice President…