Past Events

Annenberg Seminar in History


Doug Keil, University of Pennsylvania

"Rooted Mobility: Rethinking the Urban/Reservation Relationship in American Indian History"

Russian History & Culture Workshop


Ilya Kalinin (Neprekosnovennyi zapas and Smolnyi College, St. Petersburg) 

"Нарциссизм и меланхолия: советские фантазии постсоветского субъекта"

*Paper and discussion in Russian…

Annenberg Seminar in History


Alfred Rieber, Central European University, Budapest 

"Nationalizing Armies: A Comparative Study of the Hapsburg, Ottoman, and Imperial Russian Cases"

Penn Economic History Forum


Andrei  Markevich (Co-Author, Ekaterina Zhuravskaya), New Economic School, Moscow

"Economic Consequences of Emancipation of Serfs: Evidence from Russia"

*Session Co-sponsored…

Annenberg Seminar in History


J.M. Duffin, University of Pennsylvania

"Viewing Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia through a New Lens: Using GIS to Interpret Land Records"

Russian History & Culture Workshop


Kevin Platt, Slavic / Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania

"Secret Speech: Wounding, Disavowal and Social Belonging in the USSR"

Penn Economic History Forum


Walter Licht, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania

"A Mercantalist Outpost [Chapter 1 of American Capitalisms: A Global History]"

Annenberg Seminar in History


Workshop (in conjunction with the McNeil Center for Early American Studies)

Dan Richter, Stephanie McCurry, Antonio Feros

"Post-Independences: Comparative Perspectives 1770-1870"


Annenberg Seminar in History


James Amelang, Autonomous University of Madrid

"The Walk of the Town: The Origins of Early Modern Urban Discourse" 

Penn Economic History Forum


Esther Sahle, London School of Economics

"The competitive edge of the reliable Friends? Contract enforcement among London Quakers, c. 1660-1800"