An active public speaker, Chatelain has received awards and honors from the Ford Foundation, the American Association of University Women, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States. During her twelve years at at Georgetown University, Chatelain won several awards for her teaching and university service, including the 2022 Georgetown Black Alumni Council Distinguished Leader Award, the 2021 Georgetown Alumni James S. Ruby Faculty Appreciation Award, and in 2018, a Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professorship, among others. In 2016, The Chronicle of Higher Education named her a Top Influencer in academia in recognition of her social media campaign #FergusonSyllabus, which implored educators to facilitate discussions about the crisis in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. She has held an Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellowship at New America, a National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship, and an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship. A graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia in Journalism and Religious Studies, Chatelain was a 2000 Harry S Truman Scholar, and she earned an A.M. and a Ph.D. in American Civilization from Brown University.
Marcia Chatelain

Presidential Penn Compact Professor of Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania