
Brent Cebul
Associate Professor of History
College Hall 216 DRead Bio

Jared Farmer
Walter H. Annenberg Professor of History
College Hall 306BRead Bio

Siyen Fei
Associate Professor of History
siyen@sas.upenn.edu215 898.5125
College Hall 216 ERead Bio

Beth S. Wenger
Moritz and Josephine Berg Professor of History Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, School of Arts and Sciences
bwenger@sas.upenn.edu215 898.5702
College Hall 317 CRead Bio

Francesca Ammon
Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning, Weitzman

Domenic Vitiello
Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning, Weitzman
Meyerson Hall G18Read Bio

Rachel Bondra
Ph.D. Student Fellow in the Initiative in the History of the Built Environment

Lila Rice Goldenberg
Ph.D. Candidate Brizdle-Schoenberg Fellow for the History of Material Texts

Matthew D. Schoenfeld
Ph.D. Student Gondos-Beers Graduate Fellow 2022-2023

Genevieve Tan
Ph.D. Student Moore-Bloomfield Graduate Fellow