Francesca Ammon
Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning, Weitzman

Christopher Atwood
Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations

David S. Barnes
Professor, History & Sociology of Science

Vaughn A. Booker
George E. Doty, Jr. & Lee Spelman Doty Presidential Associate Professor of Africana Studies

Shira Brisman
Assistant Professor, History of Art
Jaffe 304Read Bio

Rebecca Bushnell
School of Arts and Sciences Board of Overseers Emerita Professor, English

Anthea Butler
Geraldine R. Segal Professor in American Social Thought, Religious Studies

Max Cavitch
Associate Professor, English

Marcia Chatelain
Presidential Penn Compact Professor of Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania

Rita Copeland
Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Professor of the Humanities, Classical Studies, English, and Comparative Literature

Eva Del Soldato
Graduate Chair, FIGS Group Member, Classical Studies and Comparative Literature & Literary Theory

Talya Fishman
Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations

Kristen Ghodsee
Professor, Russian and East Eurpopean studkes

Paul R. Goldin
Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations

Michael Hanchard
Gustave C. Kuemmerle Professor, Africana Studies

Grace Sanders Johnson
Associate Professor of Africana Studies On Leave 2023-24 Academic Year

Ayako Kano
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations

Sophia Z. Lee
Professor, Penn Carey Law

M. Susan Lindee
Professor, History & Sociology of Science

Beth Linker
Samuel H. Preston Endowed Term Professor, History & Sociology of Science

Victor H. Mair
Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations

Serena Mayeri
Professor, Penn Carey Law

Jeremy McInerney
Professor, Classical Studies

Lisa Mitchell
Associate Professor, South Asian Studies

Projit Mukharji
Associate Professor, History & Sociology of Science

Kevin Platt
Associate Professor, Russian & East European Studies

Wendell Pritchett
James S. Riepe Presidential Professor of Law and Education, Penn Carey Law

Daniel M.G. Raff
Associate Professor of Management, Wharton

Megan Robb
Julie and Martin Franklin Assistant Professor, Religious Studies

Teemu Ruskola
Professor, Penn Carey Law; East Asian Languages & Civilizations

Heather Sharkey
Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations

Rudra Sil
Professor of Political Science, Directer of Graduate Studies

Rogers M. Smith
Christopher Browne Professor, Political Science

David Spafford
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations

Peter Stallybrass
Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor in the Humanities, English

Mark J. Stern
Professor of Social Poliy and History, SP2

Elly R. Truitt
Associate Professor, History & Sociology of Science

Julia Verkholantsev
Associate Professor, Russian & East European Studies

Robert Vitalis
Professor, Political Science

Domenic Vitiello
Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning, Weitzman
Meyerson Hall G18Read Bio

Adelheid Voskuhl
Associate Professor, History & Sociology of Science

Heather Williams
Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought, Africana Studies

Jonathan Zimmerman
Judy and Howard Berkowitz Professor in Education, GSE

Tukufu Zuberi
Lasry Family Professor of Race Relations, Sociology