Maxim Lukin

Ph.D. Student

Annenberg-History Graduate Fellow 2024-2025

Maxim Lukin is a first-year doctoral student in History at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include  Russian and Soviet cultural and intellectual history, social history of cultural production, and transnational history of socialist bloc countries. Focusing on Soviet print culture and book publishing after Joseph Stalin's death, he studies the state cultural policies aimed at constructing the late socialist subject, covert ideologies in the Soviet society, and the boundaries between official and underground cultures. He is also interested in various forms of Soviet censorship and ways of resisting it. 

During his undergraduate studies, Maxim was a student research assistant at the Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies at Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia (2020-2023). He participated in the research projects on the social networks and institutions in Soviet literature and on Soviet temporal imagination and time-management policies. He also worked as an assistant curator (together with Rivka Maichak) for the exhibition about the lives of Soviet Jews who fought in the Second World War at the Moscow Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (2024, curated by Oleg Budnitskii, Maria Gadas, and Svetlana Amosova). 


Advisor: Prof. Benjamin Nathans 


B.A., History with Honors, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), 2024

Research Interests

Russian and Soviet history; cultural history; intellectual history; print culture and book publishing; state-sponsored cultures and censorship; the Cold War; European transnational history 

Selected Publications

"Nil's Bor Daniila Danina i izmeneniia 'pravil igry' v redaktsii serii 'Zhizn' zamechatel'nykh liudei' (1969-1978)." ["Niels Bohr by Daniil Danin and Changes in the 'Rules of the Game' in the Editorial Office of Lives of Remarkable People Series (1969-1978)."] eSamizsat. Rivista Di Culture Dei Paesi Slavi / Journal of Slavic Cultures 16 (2023): 85-99. 

"Domashnie sobraniia, sotsial'nye seti i biograficheskaia strategiia A.G. Gromovoi (1916—1981).” [“Home Gatherings, Social Networks, and Biographical Strategies of Ariadna Gromova (1916—1981).”] Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie 2022, no. 173 (2022): 125-139.