Ann E. Moyer

Ann Moyer photograph

Professor of History

Renaissance Italy; European intellectual and cultural history

215 898.4957

College Hall 311 D

Ann Moyer specializes in the intellectual and cultural history of Renaissance Europe, especially sixteenth-century Italy. Her most recent book is The Intellectual World of Sixteenth-Century Florence: Humanists and Culture in the Age of Cosimo I (2020). It examines how Florentines studied their own language, literature, history, and art and argued that it merited comparison with the greatness of antiquity.

Moyer's previous work includes a cluster of three related book-length research projects with overlapping themes related to music, mathematics, and the relationship between the arts and the sciences in Renaissance Europe: Musica Scientia: Musical Scholarship in the Italian Renaissance (Cornell University Press, 1992); Raffaele Brandolini On Music and Poetry (MRTS, 2001); and The Philosophers' Game: Rithmomachia in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(University of Michigan Press, 2001).

Professor Moyer is one of the Executive Editors of the Journal of the History of Ideas. The JHI is published by Penn Press, and its office is on the Penn campus.

Professor Moyer served as Executive Director of the Renaissance Society of America July 2010–June 2015.

Office Hours
On leave

Ph.D. University of Michigan

A.M. University of Michigan

B.A. Michigan State University

Research Interests

History of Italy

Intellectual and Cultural History

Courses Taught

HIST 030 The Emergence of Europe

HIST 054 Books that Made History

HIST 201 Historians at Work: an Introduction to Historiography 

HIST 143 Foundations of European Thought

HIST 230 Florence in History

HIST 230 The City of Rome: From Constantine to the Borgias

HIST 308 Renaissance Europe

HIST 342 European Intellectual History, 1300–1600

HIST 422 Science and Culture in the West: from the Greeks to Galileo

HIST 620 A History of Cultural History: The Renaissance

HIST 620 The Presence of the Past: Readings in European Cultural History

HIST 620 European Intellectual History, 1300–1600

HIST 700 The Study of History

HIST 720 Research in Medieval and Early Modern History